Thursday, April 22, 2010

** Gloomy days be gone ***

This year started off with so much heartache for our family. The loss of my Uncle Nelson Torres in January was very unexpected and sudden. I am blessed to have so many good memories of him as I spent a lot of my crazy teens and twenties hanging out with my uncle. The loss of my uncle so suddenly leaves so much pain and regret in my heart of the things I wish I could have said, hoping that he knew how much I loved him. I plan to gather some music of his to play during my reception at my wedding as I knew he wanted to be there that night to party with all the family.

In February Angel and I struggled with our cars and getting them to work. They both ended up in the shop and one is still out of commission. We are thankful for the one we have now and that we work in the same building that we can Car-pool. I have to admit I do miss my morning singing sessions and my drive home concert. Everyday was a performance to remember ..LOL

Later this month the news of my Grandfather being very ill reached us from Puerto Rico. Still mourning the passing of her brother my mother and her sisters took a flight out to Puerto-Rico to be with their father in his final days. They were there insuring he was as comfortable as possible and surrounded by loved ones. I was fortunate to be able to talk to Papa before he passed and I take some comfort in knowing he is in a better place and not in pain anymore. In my heart he was one of the strongest men I have ever met and if you had the pleasure of meeting him you would know that he was always honest with you and gave it to you the way he saw it. Very respected and so loved by all his grandkids I will miss my grandpa dearly.

My family has seen many gloomy days but we are strong and here for each other and I know we can get through this together. I am very grateful to have the support at home from my fiancé Angel who has been very understanding and compassionate and helping me through these times. I feel truly blessed for him as well as my family and cousins and the friends who have stepped up to help out .

I did question whether having the wedding this year was appropriate after all that had taken place. I found comfort and strength through the words of my cousin Danny(FIN) to be able to continue through with the plans that I had arranged. Danny made me realize it’s about bringing us all together for something other than a funeral and helping the family celebrate life. I received an enormous response with this same message from my sister, Aunts, and Mother that helped ease my mind and keep me focus on sticking with my plans.

To all of my family and friends I thank you for being there for us through these hard times and I pray that you are all doing well .

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